As part of our commitment to fostering a vibrant community within the Indiana Subcontractors Association (ISA), we are thrilled to announce our Membership Drive! Your participation is key to enhancing the diversity and strength of our growing network. For each new company you successfully recruit to join ISA, you’ll earn valuable points, and as a token of our appreciation, you’ll be rewarded with exclusive ISA threads to proudly showcase at the upcoming CNEY Trade Show. Let’s collaborate in expanding the ISA community and make a lasting impact on our industry together.
Here’s how it works
Talk to your network and invite new companies to join ISA. When they complete their member application, make sure they put your company name in the How did you hear about ISA? field. Then, you’ll be awarded a number of points based on their membership type (Regular, Partner or Affiliate). Once you have earned 20 points, your company will qualify for an exclusive ISA jacket!
The membership drive only lasts this month, so the last day for companies to apply is Wednesday, February 14th. Afterwards, ISA Staff will reach out to the companies that qualify to order their threads. Pickup will be the week before CNEY (February 26th thru March 1st). Make sure you’re not caught at the tradeshow without one of these exclusive pieces!