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ISA Leadership Development Academy
The ISA Leadership Development Academy is an 18-month course covering business essentials for individuals on an executive leadership track.
About the Course
Course Content
The ISA Leadership Development Academy is designed to cover leadership basics. The course will cover:
- Introduction to Leadership
- Leading a High Performance Organization
- Strategic Planning
- Legal
- Safety
- Insurance
- Finding and Hiring Top Talent
- Motivate, Retain and Inspire
- Onboarding & Legal
- Business Finance & Operations Basics
- Determining Your Market Brand
- Business Development & Sales
- Communication, Conflict, and Ownership
- Turning Strategy into Results
- Tying it All Together
The ISA Leadership Development Academy is a result of discussions with the ISA membership, and specifically, an outcome of the ISA GC Council. ISA recognizes there is a need for a broader educational approach for current construction leaders to sharpen their skills to move the industry forward.
Ready to Apply?
Applications are currently closed. Reach out to staff@indianasubcontractors.org if interested in joining the next cohort.
Course FAQs
How much does the course cost?
The class of 2024/2025 will be charged a $150 non-refundable application fee and upon acceptance be charged a $2850 course fee. Therefore, the course totals $3000.
Who will be in the course?
The class will be comprised of up to 30 individuals belonging to ISA member companies who are emerging executive leaders within their company.
What are the requirements for this course?
To be eligible for LDA, all applicants must be
- ISA members in good standing
- Have an employer endorser to sign off on the applicant’s behalf
- Regularly interact with people as an emerging executive leader
Does the Leadership Development Academy relate to Launch into Leadership?
Somewhat! Launch into Leadership is designed for emerging leaders and Leadership Development Academy (LDA) is designed for emerging executive leadership. While Launch into Leadership is not a prerequisite to LDA, it does serve as a foundation for the curriculum in LDA.
When does the class meet?
The 2024/2025 LDA Class will meet from 8:00AM-12:00PM on the second Wednesday of each month, starting in January 2024.
Where will classes be held?
Classes will be held at the ISA office on the NW side of Indianapolis.